Friday, August 28, 2009

Do you ever have those days where every step of the way is a struggle with your kids? Yeah, I pretty much have one every day - anything I ask of Alex, big or small, is usually a struggle. Needed to have both girls at birthday parties tonight at 5, and couldn't get him to get in the truck with us. After finally agreeing, he stands up and tells me he went the bathroom in his pants and needed to be changed.

Get into the car and he melts down because the seat he wants to sit in is already taken (girls and a friend had been waiting!) and agrees to get in only after promising him he could pick the CD to listen to. Now he wants to pick the song too, doesn't want to buckle, then wants to buckle himself, then wants help, etc. One of the reasons I am usually late!!

Once I dropped Bella and her friend at Jump Zone, I couldn't get him to leave - he wanted to stay and jump and didn't "care what the rules are, the rules here are stupid." Soooo, I had to tell him I would bring him in tomorrow to jump during free time, knowing that there is no free time Sat. and Sun., that only birthday parties are held on the weekends. I got him out and back home, but what will tomorrow bring once he remembers ? I think I will prepare myself tonight with some snuggle time with my bubby, lots of kisses on his cute cheeks, and a couple glasses of wine.....

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