Saturday, November 14, 2009

I had to pick up Olivia and her friend from acting class last night, so Alex and Bella came with me. I had the usual talk with Alex about being good and listening while we were waiting for them to finish, which of course didn't work. As soon as we get there, instead of sitting down in the seats to wait like everyone else, he sits for about 3 seconds and then gets up and walks right into the middle of the group in front of the stage. As I am following him calling his name to stop, I can see Olivia's look of horror as she mouths ,"no, stop him" to me. So I take him by the hand and tell him he can't do that, just walk into a class when it is not over yet and we go to sit back down. He sits in the row in front of me and is kind of leaning on the seat in front of him. There is a boy from Liv's class at school sitting in the row in front of Alex, one seat to the left. He turns around a couple of times and looks at Alex, then moves over two more seats to the left. Really? Why do people, kids, have to be like that? First I wanted to smack him in the back of the head, then I wanted to educate him, then I wanted to cry. But I took a deep breath and let it go. I thought of Olivia and figured she would not be happy. It's always something, I wish I had a tougher shell and didn't let things get to me - maybe someday....

1 comment:

  1. What a shame that parents are so ignorant they cannot teach their kids to accept others. I continue to wonder at what point we will realize that ALL of us are different in our own way. The only answer is to any parent reading this PLEASE educate your children/families - there is so much to be learned from a person with special needs - if only you take the chance. Lee more power to you for having the restraint - i would have first smacked that kid & then found his mother or father & done the same!!!!!!
