Friday, October 16, 2009

Alex was scheduled for some procedures at the hospital today, endoscopy, colonoscopy, biopsy, etc. but we had to cancel due to a bad cold. Mixed feelings on that one - I am glad to skip it for obvious reasons, but also hate putting it off and not just getting it over with. He was soooooo happy he didn't have to go. We just can't put him under if he has any respiratory issues at all. Rescheduled for early December, and won't talk about it with him until then.

So we are still debating on a name for the new puppy, and decided to have a family vote. Alex decided he was going to make a big list of names for us to choose from so he dictated and I wrote. Some of the cute ones he picked were, Meatball, Porkchop, Spongebob, Taco, and Cosi. He really likes Zappy and would be fine not changing it, but the rest of us agree he needs a new name. He has been great about taking him outside and walking him, feeding him, etc. He actually gives him a little speech before he leaves for school, " Now, be a good boy and go the bathroom outside for mommy. Don't pee in my room and I will give you a treat when I get home." Of course he still acts like a chicken once he is on the bus so I have no idea what he is trying to say after that, but it is really cute.

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