Saturday, September 12, 2009

At 5:45 this morning the doorbell started ringing repeatedly, ding dong ding dong ding dong, fast and furious. It is one of those noises that bolts you upright in bed and starts your heart racing before your feet even hit the floor running. It is Alex, standing on our sun porch ringing the bell like a mad man - even after he sees me through the glass he keeps ringing it, like there is some possibility I can't hear it. I open the door and let him in and ask him what is he doing?!! Very calmly he says, "I was locked out. There was a noise on the porch, I went to see what it was and closed the door behind me." Well, the noise turned out to be rain on the skylights and after he realized that, he wanted back in. What better way to get help than to pound the hell out of the doorbell?

I was not happy that he woke everybody up on top of giving me a minor heart attack, but we went over the scenario again, just to be sure it wouldn't happen again. He promised that if he needed to investigate on the sun porch again, he would unlock the door before he goes out or leave it open a crack so he can get back in with no problems (which he usually does, I guess the rules are different at the crack of dawn). Sounds good, problem solved. But wait, knowing the way Alex works, do you think he will come up with another scenario so that he will tell me he HAD to ring the bell again? I am sure he will.....So, as I am giving him this mini lecture, a beeping noise goes off and he says, "You know what that means mom, your coffee is ready!" And he takes off. He was right, the coffee was done brewing, and he was also right in knowing coffee in the morning wins out over pretty much anything...

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