Like every day when Alex's bus pulls in and I go to undo his harness, I ask him how his day was. Most days he will say, "great day mom" or "good day mom, no codes (which means he didn't follow directions, wasn't safe, etc. and the "code team" had to escort him to what they call inhouse which is a room where kids go to collect themselves until they are ready to get back on task. Actually Alex calls it JAIL and the teacher who runs the room the SHERIFF!) Today he said, 'Uhhhh, it was OK. I had one code, but it's fine mom, really. I had a good afternoon."
He got off the bus and we went to sit down to look over his daily book so I could see all the things he did (social studies, math, etc.) and any problems he had. I gave him a chance to tell me what caused the code and he said he was in music and didn't feel like joining in and following directions. Well, that didn't seem so bad to me. Yeah - he left out the part that when his teacher said he had to join in or leave the room he spit at her, twice. Nasty! If there is one thing I cannot stand it is spitting. And there it is, that lack of filter with Alex, see, most kids would never dare to spit at their teacher, they may think it, but would never do it. Well, he did it and got in trouble. The good part is that by the time they got him to inhouse he was able to sit at a desk and talk about it, then go back to music and apologize.
I give those teachers so much credit....
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