Friday, September 18, 2009

So, I was right - Alex's reflux has surfaced again. We were at the GI doctor yesterday and they confirmed it, BUT, they still want to do an endoscopy at the hospital, and possible colonoscopy too, to see how much damage there is and what medicine is right for him, blah blah blah. this poor kid hates hospitals soooo much from being there so many times, he goes into panic mode as soon as he sees the building as we drive up to it. If I tell him too soon about his upcoming appt. he will have nightmares about "the mask" that they have to put on his face to put him to sleep. We actually have to medicate him before he even gets into the surgical room otherwise he will start shaking be pretty combative and they have to hold him down on the table, and my heart can't really take that anymore.

On the bright side, they took another x-ray and the metal disc that he swallowed is gone!

Oh, and I had to pick him up from school early to take him to this appt., and when I got there he only had socks on his feet. He has this thing about certain shoes and usually wears flip flops, crocs, or boots in the winter. He has been wearing socks on gym days just during gym and thinks its great. When I sent him off to school he had just socks on but his crocs were in his backpack - or so I thought. He had taken them out and hid them in the garage so he could wear socks all day long. Now it's raining out and he has no shoes and I need to take him into a Dr. 's office. So guess who gets to give a piggy back ride to a 100 pound boy up 3 flights of stairs? Yup, I'm the lucky winner! I had a roomful of mothers looking at me like I was the worst, letting my son out in the rain with no shoes. Puuhlease...that is so normal in my world!!

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