Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween was so fun! We took the kids to a Halloween parade in the morning, where they got to march with their costumes on and then trick or treat to all the stores nearby. Then had friends and family over for pizza and out to trick or treat in our neighborhood. I was so proud of Alex, he walked to every house and had great manners, but when we got to the second block he wanted to sit in the wagon (which I bring every year for this reason). When he does a lot of walking he complains his knee hurts him, and the doctor said it could be because kids with Downs have flatter feet and walk heavier so it puts more pressure on joints. He was insistent on staying with the group ( I think we had about 16 kids with us) but he wouldn't get out to walk. Then he hit a point when he wouldn't even go up to the door anymore, he actually told me to go get him the candy and bring it back to him! I tried to tell him I was too old and wasn't even dressed up but he wasn't having it - he wanted a full service Halloween. How great is it that Olivia and her 2 friends Julia and Anna went up to the houses and got 2 pieces of candy, one for themselves and one for him. They knew he wanted to stay out trick or treating but just couldn't keep up and went the extra step to help out. Great kids who obviously learned compassion from either Alex or their parents or both. Now eating the candy is a different story - that boy could be in a Hershey bar eating contest and win hands down!

1 comment:

  1. That's my boy Alex......and how great of the girls to be so compassionate. You have to know you did something right!!!!
    Miss you guys
