Saturday, November 7, 2009

I know most people enjoy the extra hour of sleep when we turn the clocks back - does nothing for me. The lighter it is in the morning, the earlier Alex will be up. Like this morning, wow it was early, and cold! I let him play in the office for a bit while I waited for coffee, and I smelled it as soon as I entered the room - he had a big accident in his pants. In about 5 seconds I go through a crazy rash of emotions - how does a kid this smart still poop his pants, anger that he doesn't even try to get up and use the bathroom, sadness that we have made no progress with this issue, ticked off that I know he will say the same thing he always does, "sorry mom." etc. Anyway, he went to get the things I needed to change him and I asked him to leave Rocco out of the room while we cleaned him up because I knew he would be sniffing around and making things harder. So of course Alex doesn't listen and lets him back in the room and sure enough while I am juggling wiping him up, holding the garbage bag and trying to keep the puppy away from his bare ass, I get poop on my shirt. Now this isn't like getting baby poop on you, this is hearty 10 year old poop, what's better than that at 5:30 a.m.? He asks me what happened and I told him that his not listening caused my shirt to get dirty, and you know what he says, "Nice mom, nice,...bravo!" He is so lucky I am not quicker on my feet yet, only had about 2 sips of coffee in me now.
Alex knows he needs to throw the trash bag we use into the garbage can in the garage when we are done, so he went to do this while I washed up and changed. He then came to tell me that he had been in a rush because it was so cold in the garage that he threw the dirty poop bag into the large recycling can. So now I get to go dumpster diving basically and sift through for the small plastic bomb. You know how they say if you want something done yourself???? Oh, and he had used the bathroom when he first got downstairs, so when I went in to wash up slipped on a wet floor covered in yup, you guessed it, pee. See, he thinks it is funny sometimes to sit on the toilet and just see where the pee goes if he doesn't hold it down. so now I have to wash the bathroom floor. Sometimes I feel like that old army commercial, I get more done by 9 a.m. than most people do all day.....Happy Saturday!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like our Alex doing his thing...sorry the day started so thinking of you
